

Вручение наград Министерства спорта Российской Федерации. Мамадышский филиал
07-07-2015 Awards of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation were presented to the workers of Mamadyshsky branch

Awards of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation were handed over to the workers of Mamadyshsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” on July 3, 2015.

01-07-2015 Production of asphalt-concrete mix in June 2015
Вручение наград Министерства спорта Российской Федерации
25-06-2015 Presentation of awards of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

Presentation of awards of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation was held on June 22, 2015 in Suburban branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”.

За вклад в подготовку Универсиады 2013 года
19-06-2015 Commemorative medal for participation in preparation of Universiade 2013
On June 18, 2015 in the administration of JSC “Tatavtodor” awards of the Ministry of sports of the Russian Federation were presented.
Сабантуй в Богатых Сабах
09-06-2015 Sabantuy celebration in Bogatye Saby

Workers of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” had actively participated in celebration of Sabantuy festival in the municipal district.

01-06-2015 Production of asphalt-concrete mix in May 2015
Весна 2015
28-05-2015 Spring 2015

All departments of JSC “Tatavtodor” had started to implement the program for year 2015 concerning reconstruction, building and repair of auto roads in the Republic of Tatarstan.

С Днем Победы!
08-05-2015 Congratulations on the Victory Day!

We congratulate you on the Victory Day!

This is the day of the triumph of our people,

the celebration of military virtue and glory of our Fatherland!

May peace, good luck and happiness

never leave you and your loved ones.

Staff of JSC “Tatavtodor”

Зеленая аллея памяти
05-05-2015 Green memorial alley
On April 30, 2015 workers of Nizhnekamsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” had planted 70 trees on the “Green Alley” in Nizhnekamsky asphalt-concrete plant to commemorate 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great patriotic war.
Семинар «Укладка асфальтобетонных смесей. Опыт строительного сезона 2014 г.»
30-04-2015 “Asphalt-concrete mix laying. Construction season 2014.” Seminar

The seminar “Asphalt-concrete mix laying. Construction season 2014.”, which was the final seminar in the educational program for engineering personnel of JSC “Tatavtodor” as a part of preparation for construction season of 2015, had been held of April 24, 2015 in Suburban branch.

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