

День работников дорожного хозяйства 2016
14-10-2016 Road Facilities Workers’ Day 2016 Dear colleagues, Congratulations on our professional holiday, Road Facilities Workers’ day! Our profession is honorable and respected in all times! We wish you successful and fruitful work and good luck with all your goals! Best wishes from JSC “Tatavtodor” staff
12-10-2016 Record-setting production of asphalt-concrete mix for the period of existing of JSC “Tatavtodor” A record-setting amount of total 786974.5 tons of asphalt-concrete mix was produced by all of the asphalt plants of JSC “Tatavtodor” by 8 a.m. October 12, 2016.
Выездное занятие студентов автодорожного факультета КГАСУ на производственной базе «ДРСУ Тюлячинский» Арского филиала АО «Татавтодор»
11-10-2016 Field class for the students of KSUAE road construction faculty at production base of “Maintenance depot Tulyachinsky” of Arsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” A field class for the 4th year students of KSUAE road construction faculty at production base “Maintenance depot Tulyachinsky” of Arsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” was held on October 7, 2016
Международный день пожилого человека
04-10-2016 International Day of Older Persons
Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за сентябрь 2016 года
03-10-2016 Asphalt-concrete mix production in September of 2016
Выездное занятие студентов автодорожного факультета КГАСУ на производственной базе Арского филиала АО «Татавтодор»
03-10-2016 Field class for the students of KSUAE road construction faculty at production base of Arsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”
Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за август 2016 года
02-09-2016 Asphalt-concrete mix production in August of 2016
Производственная база Мамадышского филиала АО «Татавтодор» заняла первое место в конкурсе по благоустройству
02-09-2016 Workers of production base of Mamadyshsky branch win 1st place in landscaping contest Workers of production base of Mamadyshsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” had won the review contest for landscaping and improvement of building surrounding grounds of condominiums, private houses, enterprises and organizations of Mamadyshsky municipal district in “Enterprises and organizations of city Mamadysh” nomination.
Дорога в школу - по новому асфальту!
01-09-2016 Newly paved road to school Asphalt-concrete surface was successfully renewed on site “Normalization of route “Krivoozerky-Novaya Aleksandrovka-Nizhnyaya Balanda” in Aksubayevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Устройство верхнего слоя асфальтобетонного покрытия из ЩМА-15 на полимерно-битумном вяжущем
29-08-2016 Construction of macadam and sand (grade 15) upper layer of asphalt-concrete surface on polymer-bitumen binder Worn-out layers were reconstructed August 23-24, 2016 on the auto road “Naberezhnye Chelny – Zainsk – Almetyevsk, km 13+512 – km 15+000 and km 15+668 – 17+127 in Tukayevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

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