

О награждении
28-10-2021 Awarding

On October 14, 2021, the Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of the Russian Federation held the ceremony of awarding of workers of road industry with state and departmental awards. 

Подведены итоги конкурса «Я РАБОТАЮ В АО «ТАТАВТОДОР»
18-10-2021 Results of "I work in JSC "Tatavtodor"" contest

A contest for the best video "I work in JSC "Tatavtodor"" was announced on July 17, 2021. The competitors had posted their videos in our Instagram account @aotatavtodor.

Награждение ко Дню работников дорожного хозяйства 2021
15-10-2021 Awards dedicated to Road Workers’ Day 2021
День работников дорожного хозяйства 2021
15-10-2021 Road Workers' Day 2021 Dear colleagues,
Our congratulations on our professional holiday, Road Workers' Day!
We wish you prosperity, stability, and success in everything you aim for.
May good luck be with you always and bring you new victories and high achievements!
We wish you good health, family harmony, and happiness!
Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за сентябрь 2021 года
04-10-2021 Production of asphalt-concrete mix in September of 2021
85 лет Тюриной Валентине Александровне
23-09-2021 Happy 85th anniversary, dear Valentina Tiurina!

Suburban branch: former colleagues of Valentina A. Tiurina, a wonderful lady, congratulated her on her 85th birthday.

Ввод в эксплуатацию автодороги М-7 «Волга» - Старая Матвеевка
22-09-2021 Commissioning of M-7 “Volga” - Staraya Matveyevka auto road

Official commissioning of reconstructed part of M-7 “Volga – Staraya Matveyevka auto road was held on September 15, 2021 in Menzelinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси с начала сезона 2021
14-09-2021 Production of asphalt-concrete mix since the beginning of 2021 construction season

September 11, 2021: Total production of asphalt-concrete mix of all the JSC “Tatavtodor” branches has surpassed 500 thousand tons since the beginning of 2021 construction season.

Жидкая стыковочная лента для герметизации продольных стыков асфальтобетона
13-09-2021 Liquid joint repair tape for asphalt-concrete sealing

September 9, 2021: Liquid joint tapes produced by Denso-Tok Plast (Germany) and Brit Flex (Russia) were applied on construction site in Yamashev street in Mamadyshsky branch of JSC "Tatavtodor" as a part of experimental reconstruction. 

RAU-8 в Сабах

Experimental RAU-8 asphalt mix was applied at production base of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”. 

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