

Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси с начала сезона 2020
29-08-2020 Production of asphalt-concrete mix since the start of 2020 construction season Today, to celebrate the Day of the Republic of Tatarstan, total production of asphalt-concrete mix of all the JSC “Tatavtodor” branches has surpassed 500 thousand tons since the beginning of 2020 construction season.
Поздравляем с юбилеем Халитова Ягфара Самигулловича!
27-08-2020 Our congratulations to Yagfar S. Khalitov on his jubilee!

Our now retired co-worker Yagfar S.Khalitov had turned 85 on August 25, 2020.

80 лет Вильдановой Римме Акрамовне
14-08-2020 Congratulations to Rimma A. Vildanova on her 80th birthday!
Our retired co-worker, Rimma A. Vildanova, has turned 80 on August 10, 2020.
Ввод в эксплуатацию автомобильной дороги  «Новое Алимово - Старое Алимово»
13-08-2020 Commissioning of “Novoye Alimovo – Staroye Alimovo” auto road
Formal commissioning of “Novoye Alimovo – Staroye Alimovo” auto road in Aktanyshsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan was organized on August 08, 2020.
Заготовка материалов для зимнего содержания дорог
12-08-2020 Preparation for road maintenance works

Preparation of deicing agent for 2020-2021 winter season has started at the quay of Apastovsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” in Naberezhnye Morkvashi settlement.

Итоги конкурса «Лучшая организация дорожного хозяйства в области охраны труда»
11-08-2020 “Work safety: Best road construction company” contest

Mamadyshsky and Sabinsky branches of JSC “Tatavtodor” became prize winners in “Work safety: Best road construction company with less than 500 employees” contest.

Устройство продольных шумовых полос
11-08-2020 Construction of lengthwise rumble strips

JSC “Tatavtodor” in collaboration with “ABV” Ltd. conduct construction of lengthwise rumble strips on P-239 federal public auto road (part km 31 – km 73) “Kazan-Orenburg-Akbulak-Kazakhstan Republic limits”.

Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за июль 2020 года
10-08-2020 Asphalt-concrete mix production in July of 2020
Первое применение BIM-технологий на объекте АО «Татавтодор»
05-08-2020 BIM technologies: First experience at our construction sites For the first time workers of JSC “Tatavtodor” applied BIM (Building Information Modeling) technologies for overhaul reconstruction of auto road.
Применение щебеночно-мастичного асфальтобетона ЩМА-5
03-08-2020 Usage of macadam-and-mastics asphalt-concrete Construction of the surface asphaltic layer (macadam-and-mastics mix grade 5, 2 cm thick) is finished on “Reconstruction of “Arsk-Siza” – Staraya Masra auto road in Arsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan” construction site.

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