

Сабинский филиал встречает Новый год
09-01-2014 New Year celebrations in Sabinsky branch

Workers of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” actively participated in preparations for New Year celebrations.

С наступающим 2014 годом!
30-12-2013 Happy New Year 2014!

Congratulations! Happy New Year!

Соревнования по хоккею с шайбой в Арском филиале
25-12-2013 Ice hockey competitions in Arsky branch

December 21, 2013 in village Ayvan in Arsky district, ice hockey competitions for workers of Arsky branch were held at public skating rink.

Cеминар "Организация технического обслуживания дорожно-строительных машин и транспорта"
02-12-2013 Seminar “Organization of servicing of road building machines and transport”
On November 29, 2013 a seminar “Organization of servicing of road building machines and transport” was held in Chelninsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”, in which lead mechanics of the branches and mechanics of the branches and working sections took part.
Спартакиада «Здоровье-2013»
19-11-2013 Spartakiad «Health-2013»

According to the calendar plan for mass sports, fitness and health recreation events in the Republic of Tatarstan for year 2013 and as a part of Spartakiad “Health-2013” for workers of transport and road facilities, on November 15, 2013 chess, checkers and darts competitions were held in Chess School named after R. Nizhmetdinov.

Готовность техники к осенне-зимнему периоду 2013-2014
08-11-2013 The machinery is ready for autumn and winter period of year 2013-2014

The machinery of JSC “Tatavtodor” is ready for exploitation during autumn and winter period of year 2013-2014.

Совещание в центральной лаборатории
05-11-2013 Conference in the central laboratory
On October 30, 2013 a conference was held in the central laboratory of JSC “Tatavtodor” for heads and personnel of laboratories of the company’s branches.
Обучение сотрудников лабораторий филиалов
05-11-2013 Training for personnel of the laboratories of the branches of JSC “Tatavtodor”
Training for personnel of the laboratories of the company’s branches was held in the central laboratory of JSC “Tatavtodor” on October 24-25, 2013.
18-10-2013 Awards dedicated to Road Facilities Worker’s Day
For labour advances and conscientious fruitful work the following awards were given on professional holiday Road Facilities Worker’s Day...
День работников дорожного хозяйства
18-10-2013 Road Facilities Worker’s Day

Dear colleagues, Congratulations on our professional holiday, Road Facilities Worker’s Day!

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