

Ввод в эксплуатацию навесного снегоочистительного оборудования  ZAUGG
30-11-2012 Startup of ZAUGG attached snow-clearing equipment

November 27, 2012 in Apastovsky branch ZAUGG attached snow-clearing equipment was mounted and put into operation.

Спартакиада «Здоровье-2012»
19-11-2012 Spartakiad “Health-2012”

November 17, 2012 chess, checkers and darts competitions between amateur sports teams of transport and public roads organizations of the republic were held as a part of “Spartakiad “Health-2012”.

Начало зимнего сезона 2012-2013
15-11-2012 Beginning of winter season 2012-2013 The workers of JSC "Tatavtodor" branches had started auto roads winter maintenance.
Семинар на тему "Организация технического обслуживания дорожно - строительных машин и транспорта"
14-11-2012 “Organization of maintenance of road building machinery and transport” seminar
November 12, 2012 in Menzelinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” a seminar was held dedicated to “Organization of maintenance of road building machinery and transport”, where chief engineers of the branches and mechanics of the branches and sites took part.
Встреча с учащимися школы №1 г. Мамадыш
13-11-2012 Meeting with the students of school #1 in Mamadysh
November 10, 2012 as a part of the “Lessons of life” program, the students of school #1 of city Mamadysh had visited production centre of Mamadyshsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”.
Готовность техники к осенне-зимнему периоду 2012-2013
08-11-2012 Machinery availability for autumn and winter period of 2012-2013

The machinery and equipment of JSC “Tatavtodor” lineup for check of availability for the autumn and winter period of 2012-2013.

19-10-2012 Awards for Road builder’s Day

Workers of JSC “Tatavtodor” were nominated to departmental awards for valorous and fruitful labour on professional holiday Road builder’s Day.

День работников дорожного хозяйства
19-10-2012 Road builder’s Day

Dear colleagues,

Our best and warmest congratulations on Road builder’s Day!

Осень сезона 2012
16-10-2012 Autumn of 2012

Construction season 2012 is about to be ended. The sites in Aksubayevsky, Arsky, Musliumovsky, Mamadyshsky, Menzelinsky, Nizhnekamsky, Sabinsky and other districts of the republic are being prepared for completion.

Монтаж перильных ограждений из оцинкованной стали
19-09-2012 Mounting of zinc-coated steel barrier railings
By the end of 2012 the amount of bridges with zinc-coated steel barrier railings serviced by JSC “Tatavtodor” shall total to 41.

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