

Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси завода Нижнекамского филиала
09-09-2014 Production of asphalt-concrete mix by the plant in Nizhnekamsk branch
Total volume of asphalt-concrete mix, produced at the plant of Nizhnekamsk branch since the beginning of the year, is more than 100 000 tons.
02-09-2014 Production of asphalt-concrete mix by the branches of JSC “Tatavtodor” in August, 2014
Beginning from this month, we shall regularly inform the visitors of our site about the volume of asphalt-concrete mix, produced at our plants.
Подготовка к зимнему периоду
27-08-2014 Preparations for winter period

As a part of scheduled replacement of old-fashioned vehicle park for winter road maintenance, the following machinery was bought for the company...

Казань – Шемордан, км 63+504 – км 65+434 - движение открыто!
25-08-2014 Road opened to traffic – Kazan-Shemordan, km 63+504 – km 65+434

Road opened to traffic on site “Reconstruction of the auto road Kazan-Shemordan, km 63+504 – km 65+434 in Tiulyachinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Укладка тонкослойного покрытия на объекте «Подъезд к АБЗ «Аэропорт» Пригородного филиала ОАО «Татавтодор»
25-08-2014 Construction of the thin layer course on site “Drive to Asphalt-concrete mixing plant “Airport” of Suburban branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”
2 cm thin macadam and mastics asphalt (ÙÌÀÑ-5 grade) layer course had been constructed on August 21, 2014 on site “Drive to Asphalt-concrete mixing plant “Airport” of Suburban branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” in Laishevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Ремонт водопропускной трубы по технологии санации полимерно-тканевым рукавом
22-08-2014 Reconstruction of waterpipe using technology of sliplining with polymeric and textile hose
Subcontractor LLC “Remiss” had reconstructed the waterpipe using technology of sliplining with polymeric and textile hose on reconstructed part of the auto road “Kazan – Malmyzh” km 26+ 765 – km 32+560 in Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Укладка тонкослойного покрытия толщиной 2 см
15-08-2014 Construction of the 2 cm thin layer course
2 cm thin macadam and mastics asphalt (ÙÌÀÑ-5 grade) layer course had been constructed on August 14, 2014 on site “Drive to settlement Murali” in Kaybitsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Экскурсия в Свияжск
15-08-2014 Trip to Sviyazhsk
A guided trip to isle-town Sviyazhsk was organized for workers of Suburban branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” on August 9, 2014.
Ремонт асфальтобетонного покрытия на автодороге Казань-Малмыж
12-08-2014 Reconstruction of asphalt-concrete course on the auto road Kazan – Malmyzh
Workers of Arsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” had finished reconstruction of asphalt-concrete course on the auto road Kazan – Malmyzh on km 26+900 – km 32+550 in Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Строительство автодрома в н.п. Икшурма
12-08-2014 Construction of the motordrome in inhabited locality Ikshurma

According to the municipal order and as a part of the project “Construction of the motordrome in inhabited locality Ikshurma in Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan”, workers of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” had built pavement for total area of 9420 sq. m, including 3820 sq. m of asphalt-concrete course with conforming markings.

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