

Обучение в Буинском филиале
13-04-2022 Training in Buinsky branch

Internal seminars and training for engineers and technical workers involved in construction, repair and maintenance of auto roads were held in Buinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” on April 5-6, 2022.

Обучение водителей автомобилей и машинистов дорожно-строительных машин
15-03-2022 Qualification Improvement: Training for car drivers and operators of road construction machines

February 25 – March 15, 2022: Annual qualification improvement trainings for car drivers and operators of road construction machines with the assistance of road police inspectors and engineering inspectors from State Technical Inspection were organized for employees of JSC “Tatavtodor” branches and production sites.

Ежегодное техническое обучение инженерно-технических сотрудников АО "Татавтодор"
05-03-2022 Annual Online training for engineers and technicians of JSC “Tatavtodor”

March 03, 2022: Online training for engineers and technicians conducted in JSC “Tatavtodor”. In course of the seminar, quality control of construction and geodetic works and documentation, labor safety and production technologies issues were discussed. 

80 лет Гилязову Шамсетдину Кашафовичу
05-03-2022 Our congratulations to Shamsetdin K. Gilyazov no his 80th anniversary! Shamsetdin K. Gilyazov, veteran of JSC “Tatavtodor”, had celebrated his 80th birthday on February 28, 2022.
О награждении
25-01-2022 Our rewards

Fayil N. Khismatullin, automobile driver from Atninsky maintenance depot, and Marat M. Samigullin, Head of Menzelinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”, received the Acknowledgements of the Minister of Transportation of the Russian Federation during the Broadened meeting of final session of the Ministry of Transportation on January 25, 2022. 

80 лет Хлыстенковой Вере Петровне
21-01-2022 Happy 80th anniversary, Vera P. Khlystenkova!

Vera P. Khlystenkova, veteran of JSC “Tatavtodor”, has turned 80 on January 16, 2022.

С Новым годом!
30-12-2021 Happy New Year! We wish you a Happy New Year!
Новый год в Сабинском филиале
29-12-2021 New Year celebration in Sabinsky branch

Workers of Sabinsky branch of JSC "Tatavtodor" took part in traditional celebration of the New Year 2022 organized by Sabinsky municipal district administration.

Итоги конкурса «Инженер года 2021»

Awarding of the winners of the II Republican contest “Engineer of the Year” was held in Kazan Kremlin on December 15, 2021. 

Новый раздел фотогалереи «Строительство дорог в Казанской губернии»
26-11-2021 “Road construction in Kazan Governorate” - new section in our photo gallery

New section with documentary photos “Road construction in Kazan Governorate” was added to our photo gallery. 

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