

80 лет Хафизову Камилю Мирзасалиховичу
11-08-2022 Kamil M. Khafizov celebrates his 80th birthday

Veteran of JSC “Tatavtodor”, Kamil M. Khafizov, had celebrated his 80th birthday on August 8, 2022.

Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за июль 2022 года
01-08-2022 Asphalt-concrete mix production in July of 2022
Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за июнь 2022 года
01-07-2022 Asphalt-concrete mix production in June of 2022
80 лет Давлетбаевой Марсиле Нургалиевне
20-06-2022 Happy 80 th birthday to Marsilya N. Davletbayeva!

Marsilya N. Davletbayeva, veteran if JSC "Tatavtodor", had turned 80 on June 10, 2022.

Сабантуй 2022
14-06-2022 Sabantui 2022

Staff of Sabinsky branch of JSC "Tatavtodor" took part in Sabantui national festival, that was organised on June 11, 2022 in "Sabantui" dressage center in Sabinsky branch. 

В рамках импортозамещения
08-06-2022 Import substitution program

As a part of import substitution program, new AC-7000 bitumen spraying plant (produced by “Region 45” road machinery plant, Kurgan, Russian Federation) and Bastion PZU-PE attachable melting plant (produced by OOO “NPF Bastion”, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation) are now successfully used in our construction works.  

Выпуск асфальтобетонной смеси за май 2022 года
03-06-2022 Asphalt-concrete mix production in May of 2022
Празднование 77-ой годовщины Победы в Великой Отечественной войне
11-05-2022 Celebration of 77th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War Staff of JSC "Tatavtodor" took part in celebration of 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. 
Обучение в Апастовском филиале
25-04-2022 Seminar in Apastovsky branch

Annual training for engineering and technical specialists was organized at production base of Apastovsky branch on April 08-16, 2022. 

Объявлена благодарность
13-04-2022 Acknowledgements

April 12, 2022: Acknowledgement of Director General of JSC “Tatavtodor” for high achievements in Civil defense expressed to

- Ayrat A. Sanatullin, Head of road sector,“Drozhzhanovsky” maintenance depot, Buinsky branch, and

- Albert N. Aynullov, Master, “Drozhzhanovsky” maintenance depot, Buinsky branch.

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