

Введен в эксплуатацию железнодорожный тупик производственной базы «Бурундуки»
11-01-2018 Spur track of “Burunduki” production base was successfully put into service Spur track of “Burunduki” production base (Drozhzhanovsky branch) was successfully put into service by workers of Apastovsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor”.
Утренник в Аксубаевском филиале АО «Татавтодор»
09-01-2018 New Year matinee for children in Aksubayevsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” At the New Year matinee for children of employees of Aksubayevsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” the guests enjoyed the atmosphere of fairy tales, smiles and joyfulness.
Поздравляем с новым годом!
29-12-2017 Happy New Year! We wish you a Happy New Year!
Let the New Year 2018 be the year when you reach all of your goals,
stability and peace,
we wish you all the best and may all of your secret dreams come true!
Staff of JSC “Tatavtodor”
Новый год в Сабинском филиале
28-12-2017 Celebration of New Year in Sabinsky branch Staff of Sabinsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” took an active part in the activities traditionally conducted by the administration of Sabinsky municipal district before New Year.
Ввод в эксплуатацию автомобильной дороги «Муслюмово-Старое Саитово»-Туруш
22-12-2017 Commissioning of the auto road “Musliumovo-Staroye Saitovo”-Turush “Musliumovo-Staroye Saitovo”-Turush auto road is now opened after reconstruction in Musliumovsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
На круглосуточном дежурстве в борьбе со снежной стихией
07-12-2017 We are always ready to fight the snow Winter came unexpectedly for the many, but not for us! Our workers and equipment were 100% ready, so we easily coped with the first snowfalls this year. Every day and every hour seven days a week more than 80 multipurpose road vehicles are on duty on the roads maintained by JSC “Tatatvtodor”.
Готовность к зимнему периоду 2017-2018
01-11-2017 Preparation for winter period of 2017-2018 Machinery, equipment and production bases of JSC “Tatavtodor” are ready for the winter period of 2017-2018.
Открытие движения по автодорогам с асфальтобетонным покрытием в Кукморском муниципальном районе Республики Татарстан
31-10-2017 Asphalted roads Kukmorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan are open for the transport The ceremony of opening of the asphalted roads in Kukmorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan was held on October 28, 2017. The roads were constructed by JSC “Tatavtodor” as a part of Federal program “Sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020”.
Семинар "Подготовка дорожно-строительных машин, транспорта и оборудования к зимнему сезону 2017-2018 года"
24-10-2017 Workshop “Preparation of road building machines, transport and equipment for winter season of 2017-2018” A workshop “Preparation of road building machines, transport and equipment for winter season of 2017-2018” was held at Arsky branch of JSC “Tatavtodor” on October 24, 2017, in which chief mechanics and mechanics of the branches and production sites of the company took part.
День работников дорожного хозяйства 2017
13-10-2017 Road Workers Day 2017

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